Who Am I? and Who Are We?

I am a Soul

                        Sometimes in the journey of life, some of the following questions may have crossed your mind. Even if they do not, they eventually will certainly occur!
* Who am I? What am I? What is my true identity?
* How my
 thoughts and feelings interact with the body?
* How to make my mind
 powerful? Breaking the mysteries of the mind;
* Understand the thoughts, how they come and go, how to regulate
* Why are we as
 emotions, feelings, tension and stress
* How an individual develops patterns of behavior, traits etc.;
   how to
* How to
 enjoy this wonderful life? How to lead a life of peace and happiness?

           The first lesson is all complete
 understanding of self, which remained a mystery that has eluded scientists, philosophers, great thinkers and many other intellectuals.

Body and Soul
                 The human body is a complex set of physical forces. Build atomic particles together to form structures of organic and inorganic minerals that perform chemical interactions of the body, thus forming the basis of the nervous and hormonal control of the body. We see that the young or old, ugly or beautiful, male or female, are also different levels of physical energies. However, a wonderful machine body can be, it is the presence of non-energy physical consciousness, the soul, making it function.

What am I?

                   I am a living entity different from the body! Just as a person who speaks with a phone or listening to a call by using this instrument, has a different entity from the phone - itself being a living person who has the faculties or characteristics of feeling, thinking, will and make the effort. Similarly, the conscious entity in the body that uses the word "I" is different from the organization that has eyes, ears, nose etc. as its components. I'm not the eyes, ears or mouth, but I see with my eyes, speaks through the mouth, hear with your ears and I am their master. I am a soul (Atma), eternal and immortal. The body is mortal, I got it to do actions and experience the result of my actions. I am the actor and the one who experiences it.
                 The soul is like a pilot in charge of the organization, which serves to transport the soul.The soul is a diamondthe body being the coffin for him. When the soul leaves the body,the body is declared "dead"Then people put on this because cremation is the owner ofvaluethe soul has already left and the body is of no useWhen the soul has left the body, people say, "ligh(which is the soul) has disappeared, which lived in it has departed andthe drama is over."

Faculties of the soul

                 The soul is a living being or a sentient beingHe is said to be conscious or alive,because he can think and reflect, they can experience pleasure and pain, as well ashappiness and peaceit can stir and make efforts and actionsgood or badA soul hasthree faculties - mind, intellect and predispositions.

                 The mind is the thinking faculty of the soulIt is the mind which imaginesthinks and formsideasThe thought process is the basis of all emotions, desires and sensationsIt is through this faculty thatin an instant, thoughts can be projected to a remote location, past experiences and emotions can be relived or even the future can be expected. It is the spirit that is experiencing mood swingsThe mind is a metaphysical faculty of the soul,not to be confused with the heart or brain.                 Intelligence is used to assess the thoughtsIt is the faculty of understanding and decision making which is becoming the most crucial faculty of threeWith the deepening and widening of intelligence, a clear understanding and implementation of knowledge becomes naturaland the power to decide and reason becomes clearIt is intelligence that recallsdiscrimination, judges and exercises his power as the control.

                    Predispositions (Sanskaras called in Hindiare the "impressions" or "subconscious",which is the record of axll of the souls of past experiences and actionsSanskaras may take the form of habitstalents, affective temperamentspersonality traits, beliefs, values ​​or instinctsEvery action creates an experience as either a Sanskar (thus begins a habit)or reinforce old oneWhatever the print is engraved in the soul remains in it, forming acomplete archive of all the experiences that the soul wasWhen we talk about faults,specialties or virtueswe refer to sanskarasThe sanskaras are the basis of the individuality of the soul.

Seat of the Soul

                    The soul is in the middle of the forehead between the eyebrows. It is the seat of the soul.The brain is the "control room". As a driver control the car using different parts of the mechanism sitting in one place, the soul uses the brain to control the body. The brain is the machinery by which the soul thinks, remembers, receives messages from or gives instructions to the sense organs. The brain is the meeting place of all the nerves that carry sensations of all body parts to the brain that functions as a room control and makes the body work. It is in the brain that the soul, through the nerves, makes the body work and experiencing physical sensations, pleasure and pain or happiness and sorrow. But the brain is separated from the soul, the brain is a complex thing, made of matter, while the soul of school life or consciousness.

Nature of the Soul

                     A soul is a tiny, metaphysical, conscious development of spiritual light. There are a finite number of souls. Each soul is eternal. They were never created, and shall never be destroyed. Every soul is unique. We are all souls, unique and different and to remain forever. As such, the souls are invisible to the naked eye, but you can feel his presence.A soul has no sex.

                    The intrinsic nature of the soul is that of love, peace, happiness, truth, happiness, purity.Therefore, the souls always want to experience these
qualities. These are the qualities that emerge naturally when the soul is conscious of itself, or in other words, it is the soul-consciousness.
Body awareness - the source of all evil in the world

                     A person is in the body conscious when he / she identifies with the physical body, ie when the thought, feeling, actions and behaviors are the awareness that he or she is a body . Be in the body of consciousness is the source of all evil in the world because the vices like lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego are all having their roots in the body:consciousness
Soul - Consciousness - the key to a happy life
When a person is in the state of consciousness that "I am a soul and not the physical body," then he / she would be aware of the soulIn other wordsthe person thinksfeels, actsbehavesetc. compared with the consciousness that he or she is a soulthe masterof the bodyWhen the soul-consciousness, the original qualities of a soul naturallyemerge. Then it is possible to experience lasting peace and bliss.