The End Of The World.

The Cycle Of Time

                In this lessonwe learn about the beginning, middle and end of the time(cycle of time)of full world.More than anything elsewe understand the importance of the period we are experiencing at the today.                 The world has been in existence since eternity and will continue to be eternalThe world was created or at any time before or not later destroyedbecause matter can neither be created nor destroyedit undergoes a transformation from one form to anotherSimilarlythis world also undergoes changes in its characteristicsbut as such in the world was not created from nothingnor that there will be total annihilation.
                 The cycle time is better understood using the image of the world drama wheelItillustrates the "flow" of timeIn the middle of it is the fylfot (swastikawhich divides time into four equal partsThe swastika is considered very auspicious.

                  In the first part of the Wheel of TimeSwastika is shown marked by golden ageHere,the arm of the swastika is pointing to the right because the right hand symbolizes what is good or which creates goodnessIn those early dayswhen the cycle began, the people of god religion (Sanatan Dharmawere in possession of divine qualities and nature and they enjoyed absolute purity, peace and prosperity 100complete.
                  Then came the Silver AgeIn this era too, people were possessed of purity, peace and prosperity to a very high degreeBut the degree of their divine qualities had slightlydecreasedThey were two degrees less divine than the people of the golden age that were divine to the extent of 16 degreesThereforethe arm of swastika which indicatesthat time is bent downwards because souls descended in this era of super-state justice to what is just right.

Then came Age.After copper with bliss and enjoyment experience for many a lifeti isthe path of vice or injusticeThat's why the arm is reversed because the left handsymbolizes what is impure and auspiciousPeople were then second-year in nature, qualities and actionsHumanity is now divided on the different religionsquarrels and disputes started to appear and the five vices brought anxiety and sadness in the home.

Graduallyunjust acts, namely the actions taken under the ambit of one or other of these five viceshave brought the world to uncleanness and more suffering and the world came under the yoke of the Iron Age (Kaliyuga)Struggles, wars, war-mongering and theresulting peacelessness increased rapidly in frequency and intensity in this era.Thereforethe fourth swastika is shown to rise to indicate the increase of conflicts, clashes and misfortunesThen comes a stage whenignorance, lassitude, stupor, moral turpitude and sin becomes dominantPeople become evil by nature and religion becomes completely degenerate.

The importance of the current period

                    Currentlywe are suffering through a critical phase in the history of mankindThis is the period of the confluence of the phase of late Iron Age and the starting phase of the golden ageThis is the largest of all agescalled the Confluence Agewhen Godthe Supreme Beingdescends into this world to meet peoplehis beloved children andgives the most precious favors Redemption and Bliss.

                    Thanks to divine knowledge and easy yoga RajGod creates the Golden Age orviceless further noticeThe act of "creation" is not to build something from nothingbut it means that the moral reconstruction of humanity or the restoration of the oldest deityreligionThe reader will be pleased to know orperhapssurprised to know that GodShiva, the Supreme Father of allis indeed to the great task of the resurrection of humanity at presentThe world will soon be free from all miseries and paradisewhich is full of peace and happinesswill be set up again.
The nature of the global cycle Drama
                  Cycle five timesincluding the golden-Age, Silver AgeCopper and Iron Ages and theconfluence Age repeats exactly every time he turned the wheel fullDuring each cyclethe souls who are the actors in this global drama will be the sameEvery soul will be thesame part in every cyclesincein the soul itself is deeply rooted in the indelible role she played in life after life in the previous cycle or has to repeat the cycle after cycleJust like in a recording tape or diskan entire song or drama is recorded and repeated every timethe file is playedalthough the role of a soul in this world drama is recorded in the soulitself is self-luminous point consciousThe soul part replays once every 5000 yearsbecause each of the four ages of the world-drama being equal to 1250 yearsthe duration of a global cycle is 5000 years.